Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Bff's Blog

Back when I was in high school, I met a girl name Robin. We soon became friends. Really good friends. Good friends are great listeners and they always say, "You can do it," when you aren't so sure. They believe in you.

I didn't know our hearts would be knit together for so many years. We both got married right out of high school and started having our babies in 1981. And at almost 50, she's still one of my favorite people in the whole world. She makes me laugh and she can laugh at herself. I love that!

We both love to read and cook. And she's fantastic at blogging. I want to show off her blog. It's full of heart and talent. Robin has always been one who knows all about crafts. Not me. This is her blog and she's teaching us how to make something pretty cool on her site. You might like try this--it's something even I want to try.
Happy Sunday night!
