Sunday, October 02, 2005

Behind the Scenes

(Cory, Leslie, and Nathan with Peter from the Newsboys).

Last year, my family had the opportunity to get backstage passes to a Newsboys concert. Truthfully, at the time, I thought their music was just okay. They really didn't stand out amongst the other Christian rock groups hitting the charts.

But all that changed once I saw them backstage. They were warm and genuine, like normal people, and their love for God was hard to miss.

As we waited, we had a chance to meet all of the guys right away--except Peter. He struck up a conversations with one of the teens at a table next to ours and talked and prayed with the kid for what seemed like 30-minutes. It was too awesome for words.

On their Adoration CD (my all time favorite), these are some of the words to the song, Blessed Father:

"Father, blessed Father, lead and guide us for thy namesake. And keep us in the shelter of your presence till we see your face."

That day, the Newsboys proved to me again the importance of sharing God's love not only "on stage," but also behind the scenes. It's a lesson I'm trying to incorporate into my own life, and the words of that song have become my prayer, "Father, guide me for thy namesake."

I pray this because on stage or off, in front of a crowd or alone, since we are God's kids His name is incorporated with who we are and what we do.

And you can be sure the eyes of others are always watching, taking it all in.

1 comment:

Barb Huff said...

Oh yeah, Tricia. I've had the chance to spend some time with those guys a number of times because my husband used to be on the security team for the Alive Christian Music Fest. They are fabulous guys.

My son has a box of Cap'n Crunch signed by them that he shared with them when he was just a baby.