Monday, March 05, 2007

Unexpected Opportunities

This morning I’m speaking at one of our local Christian schools. I’m extremely excited about the opportunity. It’s one of those things that came out of the blue. The school wanted a guest speaker to kick off their Read-a-Thon so they called one of the Christian bookstores who recommended me. I was floored! Why would my name come to mind when asked “Do you know of someone who can speak to our kids?” Sure, I’m a local author, but I’m in no way famous and I’m not known for speaking (until now). But when the call came I eagerly accepted the offer.

I didn’t have much time to prepare. I got the request on Thursday. My job is to get kindergarteners through seventh-graders excited about reading. Since reading is one of my favorite pastimes, I had very little trouble coming up with things to say. My trouble might be, knowing when to shut up. What a wonderful chance to pass my passion for books on to kids!

This experience reminded me that I never know when opportunities will come my way—chances to help others, share a gift, or even share my faith. The most exciting ones usually come when I’m not on the lookout for anything special. Am I always prepared? No! But God seems to have a way of equipping me for the task. Does each call involve something that I love as much as literature? Unfortunately, not always. When God is in it, however, the rewards are great.

Think about the last time that God handed you a surprise assignment. What was it? How did God equip you for the job? Thank Him for His willingness to use ordinary people like us to spread His joy, passion, and message. I’d love to hear about any big things that come your way this week!

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