Friday, February 01, 2008

A Love Affair

I know of a lady writer whom I admire greatly but have never had the privilege of meeting. She belongs to ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). But I knew of her before this organization even began because we wrote for the same publisher.
In November, she was handed the devastating news of Brain Cancer. I liked this woman before, but reading her blogs as she has gone through this trauma, I've grown to love her as a sister in Christ.
Now the reason I titled this "A Love Affair" is that the blog reveals a relationship with her husband that all of us long for. If you want to see in action the kind of marriage that honors God and still sizzles go to Start back in mid-November and read this as a diary of a wonderful couple. You will be inspired. And it's proof that even in this modern day, there can be marriages that last, relationships that exude faithfulness, and something to aspire to With God's help, a couple focused on Christ will bless each other and those around them a hundredfold.

1 comment:

crownring said...

Might we have a link to your friend's blog, Mrs. Paul?
