I have birthdays on the brain today because one of my daughters turns 9 today. (Well, she told us very emphatically that she doesn't actually turn 9 until 10:42 this evening - she checked her birth certificate so she could know for sure.) So we have a few more minutes of being 8.
I love birthdays. Truly. I share a December birthday with my daughter only mine is on the 30th - sandwiched mercilessly between Christmas and New Years. Definitely not a good time for a birthday. I was glad that at least hers was early enough in the month to have a little distance from Christmas - when we get to focus on celebrating another joyous birth!
You know, we have a lot of trouble in this world. And I know I can't be the only one who feels overwhelmed, stressed out or just plain panicked at times. Especially at this time of the year. But days like today remind me to slow down and celebrate life. Celebrate the fact that we've been given a wonderful and precious opportunity to live.
So if you're reading this - I celebrate you. I am so glad you were born. I am so glad you're here. And I'm thrilled beyond measure that you've visited with us here at Girls, God and the Good Life. Because with Jesus, it is indeed a good life.
Till next time,
Sarah Anne Sumpolec
All three of my brothers & sisters have a birthday in Demember ... you share a birthday with one of my sisters!:)
I LOVE your "Becoming Beka" books, btw -- I read no.1, and I just went and bought 2-5.. are there any more? They were a Christmas present from my grandparents;)
Happy birthday to your daughter.
I happened to stumble upon your blog quite by accident. It's darling! :)
Thanks Emily Anne and fredamans!! Glad you found us!
And Emii- I'm thrilled you like Beka! That's always fun to hear:-) And yes, it's a five book series so you have them all. If you e-mail me our address (use the contact form at my website I can send you some bookmarks if you'd like:-)
Thanks, Sarah! I'm at your site now:)
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