I'm sitting here in my writing loft looking at index cards I've scotch-taped around me. When I'm feeling discouraged, I read them as though they're love notes from God. I guess they are. The words never lose their power. I've read them a zillion times.
When my three children were little, I'd send love notes in their lunch bags--often with a scripture included. Sometimes I left love notes in their rooms. This scripture is to my left, written on a neon green index card. I remember writing it for each child. Believing it for all three children. A perfect scripture for me, too. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6 Don't you love it?
If I look to my right, there's an orange index card. "Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He's right there with you. He won't let you down. He won't leave you." Deut 3:15 Thank you, Lord.
Here's a simple love note a friend sent me:
Be still.
Don't run.
Let me.
Reminders of God's love, power, and grace never lose their power. They bring me back to Him over and over.
Do you have a scripture you cling to?
My love,
It probably looks like the dorkiest thing, but to my left on my wall -- right next to my word -- I have all these verses blue-tacked to my wall. One's that I've found encouraging, reassuring or peaceful.
But the one I cling to is Psalm 62:8 -- I've modified it a little bit by putting my own name in there:)
Trust in Him at all times, Emily
Pour out your heart to Him,
For God is your refuge.
I don't know why I love it so much; it just reminds that God is always here. And it's like, there's three steps.
Trust in God.
Pour out my heart to Him.
And remember that he is my refuge, my safe place.
Emily, I needed this reminder today. Thank you. And if you putting up scriptures is dorky, then I'm a dorky too. :-)
Thanks for commenting!
Julie - not dorky at all. Scriptures inscribed on bits of paper or on our hearts are like love notes from God. Here's mine:
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Your children are lucky to have a mom like you!
Beautiful, Carla. Such simplicity and power in your scripture. Thanks for sharing.
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