Thursday, October 25, 2012

Jesus's voice in the storm...

We all go through storms of various sizes and intensity. Storms regarding friendships, grades, choices, peer pressure, relationships, finances. No matter how old we are, how established we are, how wise we are - there is always either a storm coming or a storm we are just getting through.

I'm going through a storm right now that is deep and personal and hurts. A storm that leaves me helpless and out of control and pleading for God's mercy. A storm that instead of booms thunder, booms lies. A storm that instead of flashes lightning, flashes hopelessness. A storm that seems it could truly sweep me away.

The other night, a random storm sprung up here in the country. My four year old and I were headed home, and my husband was at the fire station. Little Miss is always more nervous when he's not at home, and she's TERRIFIED of lightning and thunder. I was reassuring her and comforting her while we were in the car driving down our street and parking in the carport. I carried her inside and once we got in the house, the truth of what I had just spoken slapped me across the face.

I'd said in the course of the last few minutes:

"It's just a storm, baby. God is still in control."

"This storm is just an example of God's power."

"It will be over soon."

"Remember the Bible story, when Jesus and His disciples were in the boat and a storm came? Jesus was asleep, and the disciples were scared. Jesus woke up and calmed the wind and the waves. The storm had to respond to Him."

"It made Jesus sad that His disciples didn't trust Him in the storm."

"Just because Jesus is in Heaven now doesn't mean He's not still in control."



What's your storm today? And which sound are you choosing to listen to in the midst of it? The overwhelming noise of thunder and wind and crashing waves?

Or the voice of Jesus? The One who is in control of it all and won't let you drown?

I trust You today, Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I've been going through a very rough time, both emotionally and spiritually. A week ago, my friend invited me to a church get together for teenagers that happens every Wednesday night. There's a service and then we get together in small groups and talk about our week. Last week, the service just happened to go over everything I was struggling with. Everything. It was the answer to my prayers.

Betsy St. Amant said...

I love when that happens! Jesus speaking truth to us. Beautiful...

The souls remedy said...

it is so true we are faced with storms often. Thanks for reminding me God is still in control even through the storm!

Lily Aldridge said...

This is a lovley post, I love how you have a personal story. I can sometimes just take God's love not God's power! And I think his power is awesome part! Thank you for sharing this it has really inspired me today! God Bless :)