Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ahh ... Friendship

Last week, my husband and I spent seven days out in California with some friends of ours. Ben and Christian have known each other since fourth grade, and he met his wife, Rachel, during college. When you're a couple, it's a rare treat to have another couple to hang out with, one where everybody enjoys everybody. Christian and I easily find stuff to talk about, as do Rachel and Ben.

I'm not a tremendously social person. I like people and all, but I'm more likely to spend Friday nights with a book than I am hanging out with friends. While we see Christian and Rachel fairly often considering they live in California and we live in Kansas, we'd never actually vacationed together, and I wasn't sure how I'd do without my alone, recharging time.

But I'd forgotten how refreshing it is to hang out with a true friend like Rachel. We know each other, we know each other's quirks, and we've decided we like each other anyway. We spent seven days talking about everything from those new boots that come up above the knee to what God is currently pushing us on to how Christians should deal with homosexuality. We laughed and had fun, but we also asked each other questions meant to pry and prod.

I haven't had a plethora of good friendships in my life. Some of this has been my own stubborn, self-involved fault. Recently, with having a kid, husband, and career, it's been because I'm low on time and energy. I have people in my life who I'd like to be better friends with, but I haven't been very proactive. Spending concentrated time with Rachel reminded me of what I'm missing out on with other people, those I see on a regular basis.

Interacting with people often feels draining to me, and I'm grateful for the reminder that it doesn't have to be. Being in a genuine relationship means being myself with people who accept me, but who also lovingly ask me tough questions. What a wonderful thing that is.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

Stephanie Morrill

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