Some times in writing, my first attempt is to take the easy way out. I was trying to do this with the book I’m currently writing, Blue Like Playdoh. This book shares much of my life journey, and I tried to tell it in sweet, devotional thoughts. My editor didn’t go for that. He wanted me to journey back. To revisit my questions and my fears. To be THERE, without the benefit of 20/20 vision.
It was crazy. I took myself back to the days when I had three little kids and no writing credentials. I didn’t spend much time with God, and I had no idea of where my life would be headed. There were more questions than answers, more worries than fulfilled dreams.
“There” (about fifteen years back) has been hanging around with me, and in my Bible Study I came across a great quote by Beth Moore, “Sometimes we don’t know why we’re on a certain road with God until miles have made their way to the soles of our feet.” Beth More, Stepping Up Workbook, p. 13.
Where is God taking you today? What road are you on? Eighteen years from now you might have a clue, but for now you too may have more questions than answers, more worries than fulfilled dreams. But keep walking God’s way. Keep moving your feet forward. Take one more step closer to Him today. There’s a purpose to the road, and a Savior who’s walking with you.
Such an important lesson.
If Christians will just trust God no matter how dark it looks and remember that "All things work together for good" things would turn out just fine. God is so faithful to us - never leaving or forsaking His own.
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