Friday, August 19, 2005

Two minutes until midnight

I have two minutes left in this day to blog.

Now 60 seconds. I better type fast.

How did my day get away from me? I've been putting a new face on my ministry website -- It's a place where I get to connect with teens from all over the nation. It's amazing to me the friends I've made -- Jennifer H. from Florida, the courageous teen who dove into shallow water at her graduation party. That day changed her life. Her story of faith changes mine. Then there is Nicole, the girl who one day wants to be a writer. She already is. I know that in the future I'll be reading her books. She's absolutely amazing as a writer. Matt left a note the other day. Wanting to talk about God.

Sometimes I look at the work involved and think, "maybe not". And then something happens like the day that I received 170 emails when a story picked up from the site somehow hit Africa -- North, West and South Africa. I talked to Lulami and Somakizi and Zimi and Temitope.

The power of the internet amazes me. The ability to talk openly about faith and God and life and challenges is right at your fingertips. So, yes, I will devote the time.

But not tonight. My day is over.

There are glitches but tomorrow is a new day.

I want to thank you for hanging out with us at 4:12LIVE. We appreciate you. Even when we are tired; even when we only have two minutes left in our day.

Suzie Eller

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