Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I love Sugar-free Red Bull drinks. In fact, when I'm under deadline I buy them by the six-pack. Wow, do my fingers fly as I type.

But I also found two other ways to fuel me. And, amazingly, both are FREE (unlike the $1.25 a can for Red Bull!)

1. I start every day by waking up and spending time reading my Bible and praying. I started with five minutes years ago, then "stretched" to ten . . . now I spend an hour or so reading God's Word and centering my spirit on Him.

2. In the past few months I've also spent 30-45 minutes a day exercising. Yesterday, I "sped-cleaning" my laundry room and dining room. (I felt my heart rate quicken as I mopped my floors.) Today, I did some "Diva" moves to an aerobic video. (Shake de' boody, girl!) And since the sun is shining, I'll most likely take my dog for a walk too.

I've discovered that both my body and my spirit needs fuel to energize me for the day. The time I spend exercising in these two areas pay off in all areas of my life. I'm a much nicer person to be around and people notice. They notice not only that my jeans fit more loosely, but that my smile is broader as God's love bubbles out of me.

Now THAT's something even a great energy drink can't do.



Dionna said...

Spending time in God's word and fueling the body by good health and exercise ARE important and they do drastically change how we feel don't they? Why is it, then, that we have to work so hard to squeeze that time in? But when we do - it is so worth it.

T. Suzanne Eller said...

I love the image of you shaking your "booty" to the music. We writers have to do something to keep in shape. You've found something fun!


Anonymous said...

Way to go - keeping in shape spritually and physically! Keeping our physical body in good working condition is a lot like keeping out spiritual body in condition - they both take effort! And energy. Thanks for your blog.

- Man does not live by bread alone