What are some of your favorite movies? Have you seen anything good lately? Or perhaps you've been too busy focused on the drama of life to have time to go to the movies.
Recently, I was talking to a teen. "Life is SO dramatic. I'm happy school's out for the summer," she told me, "because at school there is so much drama going on, they forget what the whole point is ... SCHOOL WORK."
I had to laugh, but I totally understand. In fact, I wrote a book about that very thing!
My book, My Life, Unscripted will be out this fall. You can read the first chapter here.
Still, drama is going to happen around us no matter what. Life is like that. People are like that. What I've decided is that I often can't change people. And most of the time I can't really do much about the situation. But God is teaching me something, and that is that love covers a multitude of dramatic moments.
John 13:35 says, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
Because we have God inside, we're able to act and react differently than 99.9% of the world. We can love others even when our first, natural, fleshly response would be to NOT to.
And what does God says about that? "Cool, that's how they will know you're with Me."
So next time you find yourself in the middle of life's drama, ask how God can use you to show love. It will get noticed--God's love that is. And people will see Jesus like they never have before ... in you.
I just found your blog! I love it!!! Keep up the good work. I write a daily blog called Gorgeous for God, here is the link http://www.lisanatoli.com
Welcome, Lisa!
It's great to have you here!
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