At the end of it all we always have a party and at that party they give out an award to the guy and girl from the cast that exhibits the most Christ-like behavior - it's called the Rose of Sharon award. Every kid gets a vote (and some of the adults as well).
It all got me thinking about who I would give this kind of award to in my real life. If you had to cast a vote right now, who in your life would you say exhibits the most "Christ-likeness"?
And on the flip side - do you think your behavior would get you any votes from your friends?
Actually, for me, there are days I think I exhibit some good qualities. Kindness, gentleness, even patience on a good day. But then I have what I'll call my "other days". Days where I am grumpy and impatient and well, not so gentle to be around. Some of it depends on whether I've had my coffee but I seriously doubt Jesus would accept that excuse from me - ever. I'm well aware that the Scriptures remind us to walk by the Spirit and not by the flesh. To put to death the old man, and the "bad stuff". But I do fail sometimes.
The thing is, we'll never attain perfection. At least not this side of heaven. But I think we can strive to show the character of Christ as much as we can, striving for better while having grace with our shortcomings.
So if you're game, here's the question: If you were giving a Rose of Sharon award, who would you give it to, and why?
Me? Mine would go to my husband. He is an absolute saint because even with all my quirks, he loves me still.
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