I look forward to this time of year the rest of the 10 months. It's getting dark earlier, it's colder, the trees are changing colors and loosing leaves, it's the perfect time of year for cider or hot chocolate or coffee and I can wear my coat and scarf without getting weird looks from people.
I love when I snuggle down under the covers late at night. My toes are freezing cold, I'm pulling my Bible over and getting warm and cozy reading God's word. And with Thanksgiving around the corner, I can't help think about this: how many, many, many times I take for granted the written word of God and my relationship with Him.
Especially in this season of my life. I'm 22, I'm not married, and I'm making decisions today that will affect the rest of my life. Relationship decisions, career decisions, where my money goes decisions. Kinda scary, right? But also tons of fun as I learn to squeeze my eyes shut and just trust the Hand that holds mine.
Isaiah 41 is becoming a favorite chapter and it says this: "For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, who says to you, 'do not fear, I will help you.'"
I love that. He's got our hand tucked right there in His. And just like it says in Romans 8, nothing can separate us from that.

1 comment:
Twenty-two and published? Novel-in-Barnes-and-Nobles-type published? *yelps and begins pounding keyboard in furious effort to finish cover letter*. That's great. I'm not jealous. Really. :-p
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