This year my church has encouraged us to pray for a "1 Thing" list. It comes from Philipians 3:13-14, "Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promsied by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus."
So we have this form to pray over and eventually fill out when led. You can get your own HERE. But think about 2008, looking ahead and not behind. What do you want for this year? More importantly, what does God want for you this year? Prayerfully consider:
1.One Thing Spiritually. For me, that's praying for a passion for God's word. Honestly, there are many days I have to make myself read the Bible. Not always, happens.
2. One Thing Family. I want to show my family Jesus. Not everyone in my clan is a believer. Do I show them Christ's love...or do I pass out judgment because they're not on board?
3. One Thing Job. Maybe for you that's one thing "school." I want to be more of a light at my job, a school. I want to work as if I'm clocking in for God every day. (And now that they've stripped our vending machiens of anything chocolate or unhealthy, it's even harder!)
4. One Thing Church. I'm still praying about this one, but I really want God to fill in this blank for me.
5. One Thing Community. Still praying about this one too, but I have a feeling it might be to take a more "green" approach to my life. Let's just say my carbon footrprint probably equals a family of four.
6. One Thing Personally. I'll keep this one to myself, but I could make a list that would circle the globe for this prayer slot.
7. One Thing Supernatural. I'm praying for God to do something HUGE in my life this year. My pastor calls it the BHAG, Big Hairy Audacious Goal. What's your BHAG? (And no, it's not a name you call your mother when she cuts your allowance.)
So how about it? Grab some goals and join me on a quest to make God the author of 2008.
By the way, that's me and your own Sarah Anne Sumpolec in the picture above--hanging out at a writers' conference.
Have a great weekend, G3'ers!
Jenny B. Jones
I LOVE this list. I'm looking forward to 2008 as it is. :-)
Thanks for sharing this,
Jenny, this is great! I just saved a copy of the form and plan to fill it out. Can I pass it on to our youth pastor? He'd love it.
Take care,
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