Last night at youth group this girl Laura came in singing,"Oh, the weather outside is frightful....Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." She even used the microphone and got somebody to strum the guitar while she sang to the top of her lungs.
We all teased her. But that didn't stop her from singing and believing. It RARELY snows in N. GA. After a while, she got on my nerves--so cheery and happy. Nobody really believed it would happen.
The youth at our church go to different schools from a few different counties.
This morning our son got up and wasn't too happy. Laura's county is the only one closing today.
Keep the faith. No matter what.
That's it. I'm going to go find a microphone. ;-)
My students and I had a moment of silence for our lack of snow. It's been a rough, rough snowless winter. Sighhhh.
i like that--moment of silence for lack of snnow. we're getting more today in N. GA. soooo rare for us.
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