I just realized that my purse is a mess. Despite the fact it is tiny and I could fill a duffle bag with stuff I like to carry around with me, I have just tons of junk in it.
Okay, maybe not junk. But JICs—“Just In Case” stuff.
For example:
Floss for when I get spinach in my teeth
A mini flashlight (my husband made me carry this)
Bookmarks so I can push them on unsuspecting people
Sudafed in case I get a massive sinus headache
Advil in case I get a massive sinus headache
Dramamine in case I get massive car sickness or just really bad nausea
Nail clipper
Lavender water, which is antibacterial, for spraying and wiping down public toilet seats (let me tell you, I really used this a lot when I visited a friend in the Midwest because the public bathrooms rarely have toilet seat covers)
Handkerchief because I prefer it to tissues
Lipstick in case I see Orlando Bloom walking down the sidewalk toward me
Listerine breath strips in case I see Orlando Bloom walking down the sidewalk toward me
How about you? What’s in your purse or wallet?

LOL. What a fun post.
OK, let's see.....
Business cards.....just in case I meet that unsuspecting agent
Bookmarks of other authors with new releases...to leave in various places for marketing/influencing
Cherry flavored Chap Stick.... because I'm not a lipstick girl
Cliff bar...because I never know when I'll get assaulted by hunger pangs.
Minty gum...because, you never know when I'll rendevous with my sweet, sweet hubby....LOL
Your humor makes me chuckle and I need that some days and today was one of them. I'd list my purse but there wouldn't be room on the comment form. Maybe I should post it on my blog. HMmmmmmmmmm.
I live in the UK we don't have toilet covers at all. When I was little on holiday in Florida they were a real novelty :D
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