Friday, April 03, 2009

List of Qualities for Future Husband

I'm a list maker. I've also been teaching high school girls in Sunday school for many years. Something I suggest is to make a list of qualities to look for your future husband. It's a great idea to only date guys who meet the standard you set on your list. Pray about what goes on your list. Don't settle for less.

This is my husband and I playing shuffleboard in Florida. Yes, I know nobody plays shuffleboard anymore, but we're both smiling, so I picked this picture. We've been married thirty years. I love him more today than the day we were married. Waaay more. I keep discovering new things to admire about him.

What kinds of things might be on your HUSBAND-TO-BE list?


1. He loves God more than he loves me.
2. He's honest.
3. He has a sense of humor.
4. He fights for the underdog.
5. He's generous.
6. He's cute (definition of cute will be different for everybody).
7. He's not a worry wart.
8. He's not lazy.
9. Bonus--He treats his mama right. Hint: This may be how he'll one day treat you.

Love to you all this Friday and make those lists!


1 comment:

kalea_kane said...

My sister-in-law suggested I do this when I was about 27. I thought about it, and threw the idea under the table. Then when I was getting out of an abusive relationship, I recalled her advice. I moved 3000 miles away and started my list. Six months later I became friends with the man who is now my husband. He is literally everything on my list. I suggest it to all my friends. My list was included in a letter to God. :) He (God) is soooo good. :)