Whether we know it or not, there is a continual dialogue going through our minds. The dialogue occurs in two ways:
1) Unscripted: Out-of-control, spontaneous, unanchored. It’s when your social calendar, the people around you, and whatever emotion of the day or hour takes over and rules your life.
2) Scripted: A solid plan. It’s something YOU create after thinking through situations, considering your plans and what you want, talking to God about your worries, cares, and your hopes. Then you actively determine how to handle life (with God’s help and strength). So even when everything feels whacked out, you have something solid to hold onto.
Unfortunately, during my teen years, I didn’t have any idea it was possible to script my thoughts. I learned quickly that how I thought, was what I believed. And what I believed, I lived. And living with my emotions just millime-ters from the surface didn’t always make a pretty picture.
How about you? What does your current, internal dialogue involve? Your thoughts will control your beliefs— which, in turn, will control your actions. This may not result in throwing punches . . . although that is a real possibility.
Believe it or not, you don’t have to leave your life (thoughts, beliefs, actions) to chance. You don’t have to be caught up in the drama, pulled along by every new character that pops into the scenes of your life (whether positively or negatively). Instead, you can realize you are the Star
Performer in your life story. You can write the script. Being the Star Performer of your world doesn’t mean you’re the center of the universe, but rather you understand that God—who is the center of the universe—created you with a role to play. Not only that, He’s provided His Word (the Script) and the Holy Spirit (the Internal Director) to guide you along the way.
To live life scripted means to allow God’s Word to guide your thoughts, actions, emotions, and desires before you throw yourself into the drama of life.
© Tricia Goyer
So. What ARE you saying to yourself?
I'm not a teen! I learned long ago, not to spend the time before bed going over the disappointments and failures of the day. Much better to think of good things whenever they happened and trust in God.
This is so very true. Sometimes we might fool ourselves into thinking it's ok to "think it" but not ok to "do it". But the truth is it's not even ok to think it. Our thoughts will spill over in some form or another.
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