I've been thinking about tomorrow--the 4th of July. Words that come to mind are freedom, independance, celebration and gratitude. Countless men and women who gave and are giving their all--families who had to say goodbye to loved ones. Many who relinquished children, wives, husbands, friends for our country. For me. For us.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
By the grace of God, and the lives of many, we are free.
Question. Is there anything that keeps you, me, us from living a life of personal freedom? Freedom where our hearts are totally open to God? For me, other things and/or people can slip into being more important to me than God. Even emotions--fear, worry, doubt.
I'm just thinking a lot today about the word FREEDOM. And what the scripture really means that says, "If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36The truth is, sometimes I choose slavery.
Love and thoughtfully,
I just googled for blogs about living a christian life and yours came up. All of the your blogs and inspiring and encouraging to keep trying my best to worship my Father in heaven and sacrifice my life for Him. Please keep writing!
Thank you so much, Kerrie. That's why I write. Hope your day has been fantastic!
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