Sunday, January 16, 2011

Appreciate a Dragon Day

First -- I love the new look of our G,G, and GL
Second -- Camy's street gang looks like fun
Third -- January 16th, every year, is Appreciate a Dragon Day. It is probably too late for you to plan anything big, but just a salute to your favorite dragons in literature is easy enough to do.
I actually declared this a National holiday back in 2004, when DragonSpell first came out. How cool is it that you can declare a holiday! How very cool that seven years later you can Google Appreciate a Dragon Day and find hits. Hold on to your hats! References to AADD wound down at 60 pages of google hits.
It is amazing how a little thing can spread like wildfire. Quite often it is not a positive thing that goes viral. Gossip flows faster than fact. As the Bible says to guard our tongues, in this age we need to guard vigilently against things we put forth in written form and through all the social medias. Some things are fun and innocent. Others are destructive. Consciously choose what you look at and what you recommend to others.

Here is a video of an illusion. It is not what it seems. Watch the video and listen to the commentary. The last line is "We move far enough around to the side, we suddenly realize the structure is different, and the illusion fails."
If we use the tools of observation, the standard given by God, we can discern when the world's wisdom is shallow, an illusion of truth, not truth.
There are also instructions for making the dragon. Have fun!
Dragon Illusion

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