Monday, January 17, 2011

Don't Give Up

My daughter Katie called me last week. "You've got to watch this Youtube."

Katie's almost 27, but ran track in high school. I think you'll see why it touched her heart. She's athletic. She also played softball, tennis, and a year of basketball. As she was talking about the video, I could feel the emotion in her voice. The video is about more than sports.

Watching it, I teared up. That scripture from 2 Chronicles 15:7 came to me. "But as for you, be strong and do not give up. For your work will be rewarded."

This doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Or quick. Or that we get to pick what kind of reward will come. It doesn't mean there won't be struggles. It doesn't mean we won't feel like giving up. But if we believe the Lord has called us to do something, we're to keep at it. This message is especially powerful for me as a writer and sent with love and encouragement to each of you.


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