Wednesday, December 28, 2011

4 Things Worth Bringing into 2012

I'm a girl who likes her lists, and who likes fresh starts.

I've been doing some thinking about 2011. About things that went well and things that did not go well. I've been thinking about what will come with me, and what I would rather leave behind.

Here are 4 things I will bring into 2012 with me:

1. Forever Reign by Hillsong. My heart beats a little faster every time the worship band at our church launches into it.

2. A lyric from the above mentioned song:

You are God. Of all else I'm letting go.

I am letting go of my grip on my career. Of my need for control. Of my insecurity. Of my fears for my children. Of my need to be perfect.

This will be a daily commitment, because I know every morning I'm going to wake up holding on tight to those things, and that every morning I will have to pry open my hands, release them, and grab hold of Him instead.

3. An action plan for growing closer to God. I love the way that Richard Foster puts it in his book on disciplines where he says that the disciplines themselves (studying, fasting, praying) aren't what make you closer to God, but they put you in the position for Him to draw closer to you.

I've already talked about my plan to read the chronological Bible thought I bought 10 years ago (at least). I'm also going to read Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, which I was apparently the last person in the world to know about.

Well, not really, because my husband hadn't heard of it, and neither had my best friend, Roseanna. But everyone at my Christmas party last week had, and the women who were reading it were tearing up when they talked about it. Plus, with 552 reviews on Amazon, it still has 5-stars. Unbelievable.

4. A new friend, who will become a sister.

This is Molly.

And she's going to marry my brother-in-law (pictured beside her, as you might guess) sometime this next year. I'm an only child, and my husband has just the one brother, so this is a very big deal to me. So big of a deal that I once told Chris I thought I should get veto power over my future sister-in-law. (He agreed, which is a little shocking.)

But I won't need to exercise my authority. She's awesome.

What are you bringing into 2012 with you?

Stephanie Morrill is a twenty-something living in Overland Park, Kansas with her husband and two kids. Her only talents are reading, writing, and drinking coffee, so career options were somewhat limited. Fortunately, she discovered a passion for young adult novels and has been writing them ever since. Stephanie is the author of The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series and is currently working on other young adult projects. She enjoys encouraging and teaching teen writers and does so on her blog To connect with Stephanie and read samples of her books, check out


Anonymous said...

This made my day future sister-in-law!! I'll take all the Godly wisdom you've got on life, marriage, motherhood, and how to be a Morrillite. Looking forward to another girls night soon!

Clare Kolenda said...

I love making lists too, and I always make a list of top 10 things that I want to accomplish in the new year. These are just a few of them.
1) I'm going to learn to be more pro active in speaking about my faith, and how God has gotten me through. I shy away from this a lot of time because I hate confrontation and ruffling feathers. So talking about my faith does not come easy to me by any means.
2) I want to be a better listener of other peoples stories. I love stories and writing and just talking to people in general. But what I want to get better at is getting to know them. Their quirks, the things about them that make them who they are. To get past the vague and unoriginal "How are you?" and really find out what is going on in their lives.
3) To finish my first manuscript. Right now this goal seems like a huge mountain to climb, but I refuse to back down because I'm scared of heights. I am going to finish my book if it kills me...which might just be true. ;)

P.S Stephanie, I started working at a Christian Bookstore recently, and we sell "Jesus Calling" there. It's a HUGE hit, but it wasn't until I started working there that I found out about it either, so you're not alone. :) I'm planning on reading it this new year too. :)

Tonya said...

veto power! thats a gift! i wish my brother would give me some but that will never happen.
i think being a list maker and liking new starts goes hand in hand with wanting  to control things (your career) because I am the same way. Theres something I am trying to let go of and let be right now and it's more than a daily struggle sometimes its minute by minute.

For 2012, I'd like to improve my relationship with and trust in the Lord.   I'd also like to make strides in writing. As well as do my best in everything and enjoy what I have more

Stephanie Morrill said...

Molly, another girl's night is a must. And you love sports, so I think you're officially "in" with the rest of the family as well :)

Aw, Clare, we'll be reading it together! I ordered a copy, so hopefully it arrives before January 1. Otherwise, I'll be a bit behind, but that's okay.

And I love that your number 2 will help with your number 3, because I'm guessing you'll find out all kinds of cool stuff to put in your manuscript. And I KNOW you can finish. You're an awesome writer, girl.