Friday, February 10, 2012

The ups and downs of V-Day...

Betsy here...

Growing up, Valentine's Day was always one of my favorite holidays. It didn't matter if I had a boyfriend or not as a teenager, or liked a guy or had a crush or whatever! My parents always made it fun for me and my sister regardless. I have fond memories of paper hearts and safety scissors, cookies with red icing, boxed Valentine's from the store (usually Snoopy!) and a goodie basket on Valentine's morning filled SweetTart hearts (so much better than the old fashioned chalk hearts with messages! Just FYI! hehe)

As I got older and had serious relationships on Valentine's and even after I got married, Valentine's Day sort of lost its luster. Oddly enough...but it's true. I guess because the expectations changed. It went from innocent, childlike fun and enjoyment of craft projects and pink T-shirts at school to suddenly having to profess your love in a profound way to this person you were with. (and well my Hubby still cringes over the concept of profound ways! lol)

Some people just aren't wired to express romance or make grand gestures. A lot of guys (and even women) tend to come under the wire and get in trouble, or go WAY over the top and get in trouble. Either effort is unbalanced. I think it's not about how big the stuffed animal can be or how gourmet the chocolate (because really, is anything better than Hershey's anyway??) but rather, how sincere the heart.

(I'm sure there's been many a woman who wanted to yell to her spouse "forget the fancy dinner out that we can't afford and the limo we'll be paying on our charge card for the next 6 months and just make me a picnic outside in the moonlight already!")


Here's the thing though. We're humans. No matter how old we are, or what kind of relationship we're in, it's never enough to complete someone else or ourselves. No matter how on-target the gesture is, it's going to miss it's mark every time to a certain degree. Valentine's Day or not, true love or not, married or not. It's just a fact.

Emotions change, feelings change, even our minds change. And as humans, sadly enough, even true love can change as people grow and develop. But you know what the best news of Valentine's Day really is?

Jesus. The ultimate Lover of our souls.

Jesus is consistent. He is true. He is sincere. He gets it right every time because He KNOWS our hearts. He's intricately involved with us because He's intricately involved with the Creator of us. He knows whether we need a moonlight picnic or a four page poem or a cruise to the Bahamas because He knows our hearts.

How romantic is that?!?

This Valentine's Day, as you celebrate with a loved one or buy roses for a special someone or just don a pink T-shirt and stroll around the mall alone...take time to remember the One who loves you more than anyone else ever even could. The One who died for you to show you that grand love.

The One who is ready to whisper Happy Valentine's Day if you just spend a few moments reading His word and listening for His still, small voice.


Autumn said...

Great post!

Kara said...

perfectly stated, thank you!! love it :)

Laura Smith said...

Awesome - my reading this morning was 1 Corinthians 13:3 "Love puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end." Wishing you all this kind of amazing love today! xoxo

Sarah said...

Amen! Jesus is the ONE who loves us so much more than anyone. Earthly love can't compare! Glad I found your site today!

emii said...

You know what, that is a really awesome reminder.

Madie Marie said...

Thank you for that amazing reminder! It is really encouraging considering I don't have a boyfriend or even have a crush on anyone. :)

Christina said...

He's intricately involved with us because He's intricately involved with the Creator of us.

This is getting Post-It noted in front of my computer!

Thanks for a great message. :)

Jade said...

Great post! Valentine's Day is all about LOVE: Jesus died on the cross to save us - What greater display of LOVE could there possibly be???
Let's not forget the one who loves us most this Valentine's day.