Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Summer Beauty Tips

This post may or may not be an attempt to redeem myself for the fact that I was celebrating No-Shave Tuesday last week when my doctor spontaneously rolled up my pant leg.

Didn't expect that.

So today I'm sharing summer beauty tips with you. Yes. Just to prove this Mom still has it. Still cares.

And you should care about a few things too if you want to have a romantic relationship*... or at least not terrify your family physician next time he wants to check your reflexes.

1. Hair -- Y'all. I love this stuff. I’ve tried some of the cheaper brands, but my hair always gets damaged. Not with this. Worth the $$ (about $10 anywhere).

2. Skin – New discovery. Walmart - $5. Seriously. Leaves you with a golden glow, just like the tanning bed (only cancer-free). Also doesn’t smell so strongly of self-tanner. Has a banana scent. {Only downside: it takes a while to build your tan.}

3. Teeth – This stuff whitens your teeth AND strengthens them. Which is good because I have a nasty little habit of grinding them into oblivion while I sleep. (What can  I say? I have an overactive dream-life.)

4. Nails – Don’t know if you’ve seen these (by Sally Hansen), but they’re fabulous. LOVE them. And so easy to apply. {Real polish -- comes off with remover but stays better than the average manicure!}

If you’re looking to go cheaper, try NYC’s polishes. About $1 at Wal-Mart. (I’m not making an ad for Wal-Mart – I promise.)

5. Clothes – Now it’s your turn. What’s in this season? Let me know in the comments.

*These reviews are given of my own accord, and I am not being compensated in any way for my opinions...

Hi. Thanks for reading my mom's post. I don't need any self-tanner 'cause I'm cute already. But that teeth-whitening stuff... I might give that a try it once I actually get some teefers. In the meantime, visit me at my mom's blog. I promise not to bite. At least it won't hurt.


Anonymous said...

This is a awesome post :) it totally made me laugh :) I have had such a event happen to me last year, I was feeling lazy about shaving. And I was going to the drs for my throat. I was totally not expecting to have to show my legs! Lol embarrassing moment for me! MEL

Anonymous said...

‎: ) Love the blog~ thanks for sharing ; ) Vawna G. (via Facebook)