Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"God Is Your Source"

Here's the next in my series of posts on Truths and Myths about writing. Each time I post, I'll start with a truth or myth about the writing life, the publishing industry, etc. Hopefully you'll enjoy some of these secrets, tips and tricks.

So #4 is "God is your source." What do you think? Is that a truth or a myth?

This is an absolute truth, and here's what it means. Above all, God is the one responsible for taking care of you. Sure, that may seem elementary, but this is something writers struggle with every day. Somehow, we get in our head that we are the source, or our writing is our source--for income, for satisfaction, for success. But it's not. God is our source.

That's hard to grasp if you're a freelance writer and the electric bill is due. Suddenly you find yourself running around like a chicken with its head cut-off looking for something else to write so you can make a little more money. But we must remember: God is our source, not our writing.

In the same way, a publisher isn't our source when it comes to getting jobs or getting approval for what we write. God is our source. He's the One that leads the right publisher to the material we write. He's the One who says He approves--despite what is accepted or rejected from a publisher.

Finally, a creative mind trick isn't our source when we're having trouble coming up with a new idea to write about. God is our source for creativity. He knows just what we need to write about and when we need it. It's our responsibility to take time to be quiet in prayer and hear from Him.

So who is our source for money, jobs, approval and creativity? Is it our writing, our publishers and creative mind tricks? No, God is our source.

Until next time--enjoy writing!


Christopher Maselli

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