Thursday, September 20, 2007


I’m excited! This month has been an amazing experience for me as my book, Scars That Wound, Scars That Heal—A Journey Out of Self-Injury officially released September 5th (a Live Free book, Standard Publishing). Wow, talk about journeys. I’m thanking God for taking me on this one with this series.

In this book, the first in this series written for teen and young adult guys and gals, I tell the true story of Jackie’s secret struggle with self-injury. I also tell the stories of others and how God is an essential part of the journey out of self-injury. You can read an excerpt at my author site. (Once there, click just under the picture in the sidebar.) The book is not only for those who might be hurting and struggling, but also for those who want to come alongside and help.

BOOK GIVEAWAY! Leave a comment to this post—maybe, if you want, tell me what new topics are on your mind that you’d like to hear about from the Girls, God and the Good Life bloggers. Then include your email addy (or email me so I know how to contact you). I’ll draw a name on October 5th.

And if you happen to live near the Sacramento area, you can meet Jackie (and me too) on Saturday, September 29th, from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Wayside Bookstore on Sunset Blvd. in Rocklin. (Or Friday night, the 28th, 6 to 7 p.m. at the Wayside store in Grass Valley.) I’d love to meet you, and I’m sure Jackie would too. We’ll just be hanging out and having an informal chat about the book and the topic of self-injury.

Speaking of topics, I’m deep, deep into writing the third of the series, which is about internet use . . . and abuse. You know, those moments when we cross some lines into totally losing track of our time online, like with a game, or chat, or MySpace. Or we get involved in stuff and we kinda get that sense that it just isn’t at all something we should be doing. Ever do that?

Well actually, I need some help with this third book of the series . . .

I’m looking for teen- to twenty-something girls who would like to answer questions via email about their Internet use. Don't worry, the questions aren't too probing, and you can choose the questions you want to answer. Also, for your privacy, I won’t use your real name in the book. Email me if you think you’d like to participate. I hope you do.

Back to work for me. Until next time . . .



Anonymous said...

I'm a teen writer and I'd love to read more posts about how the writers from Girls, God, and the Good Life come up with their ideas, their writing goals, routines...basically, more about each writer's individual writing process. :-)

My email addy is diamond -underscore- 1190 -at- yahoo -dot- com

Debbie :-)

Anonymous said...

hi i'd like to enter the contest!
i think that learing more about the authors inspirations would be really neat!
you can contact me through my shoutlife!