I can see that look on your face! Where have you been, Suzie Eller?

Let's talk about it. : ) Two months ago my house sold. We packed up all our belongings, found a temporary home for our horses, and moved about an hour away to beautiful Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
All good news so far.
I live in a new house, close to the university, and I love it. More good news.
But what I don't love is that for the last several weeks I've lived in a cyberless world. My home is just a half block from telephone service, Internet service, cable, dish, etc. Because it's a new development area, we have had to wait until the entire neighborhood was hooked up.
That didn't happen until this past week!
I've been driving to the university and snagging wireless just to stay on top of my writing assignments, and to check e-mail, but I couldn't talk to you!
So, I'm back. I'm on dial-up, which is el stinko, but it's better than living in a technological black hole.
But I'm still so happy to be exactly where I am. I'm content. Why? Because I know that God is guiding me one step at a time, and I trust that. The small inconvenience is nothing. But the fact that He guides me; that I can talk to Him every day; that He is my heart and source of life, that's such an amazing gift.
I've missed you. I really have!
And I'm excited that in my absence some really cool authors have joined GGGL.
Tell me what you've been doing this past two months. I want to hear from you. : ) What is God doing in your life? What are your challenges? Does it ever feel like you are in a black hole? Do you want us to pray with you?
Let's talk. . .
Suzie Eller
Real Teen Faith
Welcome back my dear friend.
SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )
It's nice to "hear" your voice again.
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