I write Asian chick lit. (For those of you who don’t know what chick lit is, think Bridget Jones and Princess Diaries).
I grew up in Hawai’i (if you’re ooohing and aaaahing, let me assure you that living there is waaaaaay different from visiting on vacation), but now I live in northern California with lots of sun but no tropical flower allergies (yay!).
I’ve always loved writing, but when I was in college, I felt like God was telling me to lay down my writing. The reason is because I was more interested in my name on a book than in glorifying Him. So after World War III, in which God won, I did it—no more writing. I shoved my 1000-page epic fantasy manuscript under the bed to play with the dust bunnies.
I became a biologist researcher. That was both fun and satisfying (I worked on developing drugs to cure osteoporosis), until I got laid off. Then I felt God telling me to pick up my writing again. Don’t have to tell me twice!
God told me to “write my heritage,” so I started writing Asian romances. There are lots of serious Asian stories (like Amy Tan’s books) but I write what I like to read—fun stories about weird girls like me.
My first novel, called Sushi for One? (the question mark is deliberate), releases in September this year. It’s the first book in my Sushi Series about four Asian American cousins pitted against their psycho Grandma, who wants them all to get married and give her great-grandchildren before she dies.
I’ve also been a staff worker with my church youth group for eleven years now, which explains why I’m not quite right in the head. I’ve been to three DC/LAs, five or six Lake Tahoe youth group ski trips, and too many overnighters to want to recall.
You can also read about my mental state of the day on my blog, Camy’s Loft:
I give away Christian fiction books every Monday and Thursday, so stop on by!
I’ll be blogging here on the 14th and 27th of every month. I’m looking forward to chattin’ with you!
Hi Camy, welcome to our little corner of the blogging world. : )
Hi Camy! Let's hear it for having to explain one's mental state. Yay! Well, you've joined the right blog--crazy girls unite (yes ladies, I'm speaking for myself). Welcome to the team.
Welcome aboard! Very excited to read your new book in September!
Hey, Camy! Welcome to GGGL. I look forward to getting into your crazy head. :)
Welcome, Camy! I'm just over the hill from you, in Reno (waving to my writing group pal, Jeanette).
I grew up in Japan. My best friend had a mom from China and a dad from the U.S. We had several Korean friends as well. Though I'm a blue-eyed blond, in many ways my cultural roots are more Asian than American. Can't wait to read your Sushi books! Drop by my Inner Beauty Girlz blog at www.mineralz.blogspot.com sometime.
Jenni Saake
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