Monday, February 27, 2012


Camy here. Recently I came off of several book deadlines plus a book tour. While that sounds like fun (and it was!) it also left me really tired.

But I couldn’t rest because I had some book edits due right after I came back. And then I caught a cold from the airplane.

So while I was honking my nose (and muttering, “Can’t a girl get a break?!”) I was also feverishly (pun intended, haha) working on my book edits.

For the record, I’m not complaining about the deadlines (I tend to like them, believe it or not) or the work or the book tour. I feel very blessed to be able to do what I love to do, which is write books.

But physically, I felt like a wet tissue.

After the deadlines, I had a couple appointments and they literally wiped me out. I’d go to the appointment, then come back home and crawl back into bed.

I’m starting to feel better now, but I realize that I can’t do that again. For one thing, I’m not as young as I used to be and don’t have the constitution that once pulled three all-nighters in a row and then went watched a Star Trek Next Generation marathon on TV.

For another, when I run on empty like that, I don’t work as quickly or as efficiently, and everything takes longer than if I’d been eating, exercising, and sleeping properly.

So my question for those of you who are habitual overachievers, are you tired?


I’m serious. We have so much we need to do and then neglect our bodies and our mental stability. Do you really think psychos get eight hours of sleep a night? Of course not! They’re up plotting murder. I’m not saying you’ll go all Misery on your family and friends, but you might, say, snap at your husband for bringing you a glass of water when you wanted tea and then burst into tears. Not that that’s happened to me, you understand ...

So Camy’s lesson for the month: Plan better so I’m not so crazy tired when I have deadlines.

Why are you still here? Go to sleep!

Camy Tang writes romance with a kick of wasabi. Out now is the first book in her new series, Protection for Hire, which is like Stephanie Plum meets The Joy Luck Club. She is a staff worker for her church youth group, and leads one of the worship teams for Sunday service. On her blog, she ponders frivolous things like knitting, running, dogs, and Asiana. Visit her website to sign up for her quarterly newsletter.

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Trinka said...

Ehh...I would like to...but I've gotta work on my research paper that's due Wednesday... {did I mention I just started it Saturday?} :P

Anonymous said...

Just got back last weds from a month in England with the kids. Babies with jet lag are not so much fun! Neither is Mom!
We're almost back to normal now, which means li'l one was up 3 times last night and awake at 5.30.
Zombie Mommy, but very much wanting to get some writing done. I'm in that fun, brainstorming stage.
But yes, I should probably go take a nap :-)

Camy Tang said...

Trinka--yikes! I hope you get it done!!!!

Argh, sorry to hear about Zombie Mommie! Nap if you can! I'm jealous about your England trip! Do you have family there?

Sapphire said...

I laughed out loud at that bit about psychos not getting enough sleep. :-D

I, too, have been running on too little sleep lately...still getting used to the heigtened demands of college. But after reading your post, I'm thinking I'll have to prioritize sleep a little more - don't want to end up in the crazy ward. ;-)

Betsy St. Amant said...

So thaaaaaat's what's wrong with me ;)

Camy Tang said...

Sapphire, college is where I needed the most sleep to be able to be the most efficient, but it's also where I got the least of it! And the days before a final, I was definitely not all there!

Betsy, does the baby excuse still work? :)